Recent Publications
Vol 54, Issue 2
Urban Geography
Vol 43, Issue 6
Performance Research
Vol 27, Issue 5
Cultural Politics
Vol 19, Issue 3
Situated Stages: The Geo-Racial Politics of Site-Specific Performance
My current project reorients theories and practices of site-specificity around racial geographies, an emerging field that makes antiracist and decolonial politics and practices central to questions of space and place. Rather than reiterate site-specificity’s broad interest in space-making, my study turns to sited performance practices of the Global Majority to probe the stakes of, and alternatives to, space-taking. Through interdisciplinary engagement with Black feminist geographies and critical Indigenous studies, I move beyond current interest in discrete sites of performance – architectural, environmental, memorial, and virtual – to argue that site-specific performance enacts on a grander scale; it is a mode of situated knowledge dissemination capable of either reifying or refusing the white settler spatial imaginary. This shift positions site-specific performance squarely within contemporary struggles over the making and meaning of space, and it allows me to demonstrate alternate modes of aesthetic attunement capable of moving site-specific discourse more fully toward its geopoetic potential.
Current Project
Research Areas
Race, Gender, and Performance
Site-Specific Performance
Social Justice and Activist Performance
Ensemble-Based Devising
Black Studies and Black Feminist Geographies
Critical Indigenous Studies and Decolonial Theory
Theatre and Performance Historiography
​​​Applied Theatre & Theatre of the Oppressed
American Studies
Cultural Politics of the U.S. South
Political Theory and Performance
Global Social Movements
Liberatory and Embodied Pedagogies
Participatory Action Research